Trusted Counsel And Legal Representation For Your Complex Legal Issues

High-Asset Divorce In Westchester County And Beyond

My name is David Grauer. I have more than 40 years of experience providing sophisticated representation designed to protect and preserve my clients’ highly valued assets throughout divorce proceedings.

To schedule an appointment at my law firm in White Plains or to have a telephone consultation, contact me, a high-asset divorce lawyer in Westchester County. I also represent men and women throughout the New York City metro area.

Providing The Savvy Legal Counsel You Deserve

A marriage that has accumulated highly valued assets and property, including family-owned businesses, brings its own set of complications when seeking an equitable division in divorce. As a veteran divorce and family law attorney, I provide sophisticated and skilled representation in all issues that may arise in a high-asset divorce, including:

  • Small-business valuation, buyouts and dissolution
  • Valuation and division of one spouse’s significant partnership interest in a business or professional partnership, in addition to vested and unvested retirement plans, and so-called “high-hat” retirement programs involving a number of different assets that vest at different points during the marriage
  • Evaluation and suggested division of substantial bonuses to be paid in the future, for work accrued and performed during the marriage
  • Consideration and equitable distribution of significant property interests
  • All applicable taxation implications

Each unique aspect of your high-asset divorce must be researched and analyzed. I will, as necessary, consult with experts such as pension actuaries, assessors, appraisers, forensic accountants and financial advisers as part of the formulation of a divorce settlement package that balances maintenance (alimony) and a division of assets and property.

Fighting To Protect Your Financial Interests

When you have worked so hard to achieve your financial goals, it is only natural to be concerned about how your property will be divided in a high-asset divorce proceeding that will affect the value of your marital assets and property. My goal is to provide practical, savvy advice that is designed to resolve your concerns out of court, in order to further preserve your assets by avoiding a long drawn-out court battle. In situations where litigation cannot be avoided, I will fight to protect your financial interests using my skills as a veteran courtroom lawyer.

I offer phone consultations and flexible appointments. Call my firm, David I. Grauer, Attorney at Law, at 914-269-2419 to schedule a convenient time to discuss your legal matter with an experienced asset protection attorney in White Plains.